Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Forum up

The forum is finally up and everything is working fine:
  • DNS updated
  • Redirection works fine: all your bookmarks (and links in the forum) with the old address should redirect to the new one automatically (I was surprised to see new posts announced on IRC that still has the old RSS feed address). Technically, the old URL rewrite the URL to point to the new location with the parameters and uses a 301 to do that.
  • Links (URLs, RSS) are updated on the wiki.
  • No more glitches on the server. However if it happens, don't hesitate to send a mail to to tell me (with details).

Last but not least, the 1.0rc3 release should be done tomorrow if everything goes well (I told Murphy to leave me alone at least for a few days) :)


  1. Thank you for the old and future releases, you are doing very important job, guys. I and my friends very found of your multitreading and sseII improvements. And I and others will be very glad to see aircrack-ng with Stream and CUDA support.
    Thank you once again and keep working on this intresting project.
    Hello from Russia, Stalingrad.

  2. CUDA? Is someone working on a CUDA version of aircrack-ng? If yes, there is a prevision of when it will be released? Thanks for answer.

  3. Nobody is working on CUDA atm and there's no release date yet. I'm busy on a lot of other things atm. I'd like to work on that but I'm already working full time (and thus working on aircrack-ng during my free time) :).

  4. Hi Mister_X, thanks for answer about CUDA schedule.. I mean, about not existance of CUDA schedule :) But, last question: what do you mean with "atm"? maybe "at the moment"? look, I am not mother language English, so sometime I have problem to understand.
