A beta will be released before BlackHat/Defcon and will include Aircrack-ng. What's really great is that injection works with the internal card of the N900 (the original video can be downloaded here):
They also released 2 additional videos on Youtube:
- BackTrack Mobile (Nokia N900) - Packet Injection Aireplay-NG
- BackTrack Mobile (Nokia N900) - Mac Address Changer
- There's a new section in the forum for BackTrack Mobile.
- Beini 1.2.1 was released. It can be downloaded from its website.
- Jano updated wesside-ng replacement, one-command WEP crack to save the key into a file.
- criser released WepCrackGui 0.8.1, a GUI for Aircrack-ng in C# (Mono). It can be downloaded on Sourceforge.
- BlackHat conferences will happen the 28th and 29th. Schedule can be found here.
- Besides BlackHat, there will also be BSides Las Vegas. There aren't as much talks as in BlackHat but they look really interesting.
- Defcon 18 (29 July - 1 August) posted the final schedule a week ago.
- Starting from 2011, the Wifi Alliance will not allow WEP and TKIP in certified Wifi devices. You can read more about it on WiFiNetNews.
- I missed the update (v2.1.7) of the patch for FreeRadius-WPE (Wireless Pwnage Edition) released in May.